Our Tech Platforms

Our Technology Platforms

MediaWiki is a free and open-source wiki engine we use to power Vanipedia.org It was developed for use on Wikipedia in 2002, and given the name "MediaWiki" in 2003.
Trello.com is a task management app that gives you a visual overview of what is being worked on & who is working on it.

There are 3 main parts to Trello:

A Trello board is the entire page. Think of boards as an actual whiteboard or bulletin board in your home.

Lists are the general categories within your board.

Cards are the bullet points that you’d like to check off. Cards are what make up the lists on your board.
Dotsub.com is a browser based one-stop, self contained system for creating and viewing subtitles for videos in multiple languages across all platforms - including web based, mobile devices, transcription and video editing systems.
oTranscribe.com is a free web app to assist with proofreading text against recorded audio.
Google Drive is a file storage and synchronization service where we store our text files for use on Trello.com and oTranslate.com
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